Resolution-Driven Hypnotherapy

Mindful Hypnotherapy
5 min readMar 12, 2024


Breaking through limiting beliefs, emotional barriers, and blocks

Photo by: Mariana Montrazi

What comes to mind when you think of hypnotherapy? Maybe it’s an image of someone dangling a pocket watch or engaging in mind control. Many people don’t understand hypnotherapy because of how the media depicts it. For instance, some believe they will get stuck in a state of hypnosis or do things beyond their control.

These fictional portrayals may be entertaining for audiences, but they don’t carry any foundational basis to the practice of hypnotherapy, a therapeutic form of hypnosis. They also create misconceptions that may prevent individuals from using hypnosis for their healing journeys.

Unlearning myths about hypnotherapy can be challenging because the ideas may be deeply embedded in your mind. However, you can still redefine hypnosis and learn how it can help you overcome barriers in your life.

Common misconceptions about hypnotherapy

Myth #1: You’ll get stuck in hypnosis and won’t be able to wake up.

Some of my clients have shared this fear with me since I lead virtual sessions. What happens if we get disconnected? Will I be able to wake up?

Rest assured, you’ll never be stuck in an in-between place. When you transition back to your conscious awareness, you may experience some time distortion or a slight delay, similar to refocusing after a daydream or waking up after hitting the snooze button.

Myth #2: Isn’t hypnosis just sleeping?

Unlike resting at night, you’re fully aware of everything happening during a session, from the hypnotherapist’s voice to sounds in your environment. As we ease into meditation, your mind will relax, and you can dive deeper into your subconscious.

Myth #3: Hypnosis is nothing more than relaxation.

Calming the mind is only the beginning of your transformational healing journey. Once we achieve relaxation, we can assess your limiting beliefs, emotions, and issues and move towards your goal. Think of hypnotherapy as goal-oriented meditation.

Myth #4: Hypnotherapists are psychics with mystical powers.

A hypnotherapist has a specialized background and education in hypnosis. Of course, not all hypnotherapists are trained in the same manner. I recommend working with a trained hypnotherapist who has more than just a weekend of training.

Myth #5: Hypnosis can magically cure you in 1–2 sessions.

While some clients may yield these results, everyone’s healing experience is unique. For a desirable outcome, it’s best to release this belief and allow yourself to heal in your own timing.

Myth #6: Hypnosis controls you.

This concept leads many people to believe that hypnotherapy will disempower them. On the contrary, the practice can empower you to break through limiting beliefs, blocks, and emotional barriers to achieve your goals.

Understanding the basics of hypnosis

Hypnotherapy is resolution-driven therapy, where a certified hypnotherapist guides an individual into a state of relaxation and tunes into the subconscious mind to achieve a specific goal.

During the process, you quiet your conscious mind, known for critical and logical thinking. From there, you drop down to the subconscious level, where your beliefs, emotions, dreams, past lives, habits, and memories reside. Here, you can explore your emotional barriers and blocks as well as modify belief systems contributing to behaviors that don’t support how you want to be and feel.

Psychotherapists often refer their clients to me because I help their clients, even clients who have been blocked for years, get to the root of their issues. The issue could be an emotional block from a past event or limiting belief which is preventing growth and healing for that client. The hypnotherapy process I take a client on gets the client to resolution often within a few sessions.

The process of deep work

Once you’re in hypnosis, we assess your beliefs, typically tied to a surface-level issue, like a feeling, thought, emotion, issue, or behavior. For example, if you experience anxiety in social settings, anxiety is only one part of the problem. Examining this emotion deeper in the subconscious mind may uncover a limiting belief associated with a traumatic event.

Note: It doesn’t matter how big or small an incident may be from your childhood. It can still affect you in your adulthood. The stuff holding us back stays with us until we heal it.

The process of deep work may include the following:

  • Past life regression: Visiting lives you lived once before to retrieve essential information for your present self. It’s all about tapping into your knowing that resides within you to help you in your life today.
  • Regression (Age) therapy: Regressing to childhood and desensitizing a connection to a traumatic memory so it doesn’t trigger your symptoms anymore. It’s also how we break through limiting beliefs and emotional barriers in order to heal the past.
  • Parts therapy: Talking to an aspect of the self that perpetuates harmful messages, like “I’m not good enough” or “I’m unlovable.” Parts therapy aims to understand the part and shift its belief system so it better supports you.

Remember that every client’s healing journey is different, so while some may work through parts therapy, others may require regression therapy or past life regression, too. It all depends on what we discover when we tune inward to your issues, symptoms, emotions, and beliefs.

As we continue with the deeper work, the next part of the healing process brings us to forgiveness and self-compassion which are critical pillars of this transformation. For example, if you resent yourself for holding onto a past event or allowing it to have power over you, this is the time to let it go.

Then, we shift the limiting beliefs to affirmative ones so they align with you. We also focus on the positive emotions related to it, like peace, love, worthy, enough, capable, and confident.

Some new beliefs may include:

  • I’m capable.
  • I’m enough.
  • I’m worthy.
  • I’m important.
  • I’m lovable.

After the deeper work is completed, we transition into hypnotic programming. From there, we expand upon the new belief systems and emotions with visualizations to show the mind what your life could look like when you feel peace, love, worthy, enough, capable, and confident.

Hypnotherapy: Goal-oriented meditation

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that goes beyond a relaxing meditation and empowers you to break through limiting beliefs, emotional barriers, and blocks to achieve a desired outcome. Whether you want to gain confidence, overcome a fear, establish healthier habits, or gain peace of mind, you can receive guidance from a trained hypnotherapist to get you from point A to point B.

Hypnotherapy offers many benefits, allowing you to move through:

  • Blocks or emotional barriers
  • Trauma
  • Limiting beliefs
  • Fears
  • Phobias
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • PTSD
  • Death
  • Illness
  • Poor habits / behaviors

It can also guide you toward a happier and more fulfilling life where you can live on your own terms.

If you’re ready to begin your transformational healing journey, schedule a virtual hypnotherapy session with me today!

Let’s navigate through the deep work together.



Mindful Hypnotherapy

Hi, I’m Kathleen. I provide virtual hypnosis for transformational healing by helping clients utilize the power of their minds.