How to Overcome Past Trauma With Regression Work

Mindful Hypnotherapy
5 min readMar 15, 2022


Have you ever wondered how your past experiences affect you now? Most people don’t believe they’re victims of trauma, but the truth is everyone has experienced an incident or stressful situation that has influenced how they navigate through their lives. For some people, trauma may manifest itself in anxiety, depression, or panic attacks, but often, it appears in subtle ways like limiting beliefs.

Photo By: Anita Jankovic | @dslr_newb

Limiting beliefs are based on fear and self-doubt, creating barriers for your personal and professional growth. They don’t magically appear out of thin air. Rather, they stem from an incident or past wound. Everyone has varying degrees of trauma that look different from one another. While yours may not seem extreme, it can still hold you back from pursuing the life you want and deserve to live. It’s time for you to look back, heal the trauma, believe you’re worthy, and move forward.

So how can you take steps to overcome your past? Regression work.

Regression work is a deep and transformational process, where the hypnotherapist guides the client to a past trauma and allows them to revisit their past experience with a new perspective and come out renewed and on the path to healing.

While the idea of revisiting a distressing experience may seem daunting, it’s an opportunity to take your power back and use your present perspective to convey comfort to your past self. It’s common for clients to travel back to their childhood, a time when they didn’t have much control in their lives. However, it’s not limited to adolescence. The experience may have occurred recently. Regression work allows people to go back and give themselves something meaningful they didn’t have at the time.

What a Regression Session Looks Like

A regression session entails guiding a client back to an incident and looking at it with a different set of eyes, the adult eyes of today. Here, you will see your younger self responding in the memory that’s unfolding while you are in hypnosis. Rather than embodying the memory of your past self, you are observing it from afar. Think of it as watching a movie on a screen. You are an audience member.

You may see the reaction of a parent, guardian, or caregiver who was there. For instance, being told to be quiet by your parents or being shunned in class by a substitute teacher. It’s common to re-experience the deep emotions you felt as a child like shame, discomfort, or anxiety after watching the events unfold, however you will be able to view the incident with a new perspective.

With your newfound insight, you can better understand what transpired, how it affected you, and the lasting imprint the experience has had on your life. Focusing on the inner child, the hypnotherapist will ask, “What does that little child need to know, hear, or feel in this moment?” This is the perfect opportunity to give that child comfort, something you needed, but didn’t receive at the time. It could be a hug, words of comfort, letting them know that this isn’t their fault. If you were told to be quiet, let the child know that they deserve to be heard and seen. Console your younger self in a way that’s most comfortable for you. You know your needs best.

Aftermath of the Regression Session

Following the regression work, this is when discoveries are made. You can take the traumatic experience and apply it to the present. If you were embarrassed for talking in class or told to be quiet frequently, that may explain why it’s challenging for you to speak your mind and/or stand up for yourself. Experiencing any form of physical, verbal, or mental abuse can affect your ability to assert yourself and feel confident within. For example, you may want a promotion, but struggle to let your boss know. The trauma has put barriers around you, making it impossible to progress and grow in the ways you want to be and feel.

After the regression session, it’s time to reprogram the mind with new ideas to help you move towards your goals. The healing begins when you forgive the child who experienced the trauma. Follow up sessions will support you in the next steps in the reprogramming process. This will help you push past the trauma and move forward in your life, so you will no longer be held back by limiting beliefs.

Traumatic experiences reinforce the idea that you’re incapable or not enough. In order to transform this limiting mindset, we find a way to heal the trauma, so you can stand strong in knowing you are capable, enough, and worthy of being and feel the way you want.

By revisiting the past trauma, you fully recognize that it shouldn’t have transpired in the first place. Being told to be quiet, hold your tongue, or keep to yourself wasn’t right. This new awareness begins to deconstruct the old programming. After acknowledging this truth, you will find self-validation and believe you deserve more. You will see yourself as enough and worthy. This sense of assurance acts as the foundation for moving towards your goals.

Purpose of Regression Work

Regression work cultivates healing and allows you to enter the next chapter of your life without anything holding you back. It dives into the experience and trauma with a mission to heal and help you discover a new way to be and feel. This is similar to inner child work, but goes one step further to apply new insight to the problem as well as a path forward.

After the child gets what they need and you see, hear, and feel that the situation was wrong, you begin the healing process. It’s not just about healing the inner child. It’s also about healing the whole self.

Regression work taps into the past and uses your present knowledge to change the trajectory of your future. It empowers you to rebuild and get on track to the life you deserve to live.

Are you looking to heal past trauma and transform how you navigate life?

Schedule a virtual hypnotherapy session with Mindful Hypnotherapy of San Francisco today!

I look forward to guiding you on your healing journey.



Mindful Hypnotherapy

Hi, I’m Kathleen. I provide virtual hypnosis for transformational healing by helping clients utilize the power of their minds.